Quebec: 514-288-8778

The Recreational Flight Store

z Miscellaneous

35 years of experience. Tens of thousands of flights done!
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Reservation service

Our staff will take care of your reservation for you.

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Consultation service / training

Consultation service. Trainng.
30 minutes by phone or video

75.00 $

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Re-emission of lost Certificate - Less than 4 mo

For certificates purchased less than 4 months ago.
For clients that have kept all their emails of transaction and certificate.
For clients that dont have anymore their paper copie or screenshot.

Search for a lost certificate by the IT services.
Reemmission or reactivation of a lost certificate if found and never used.
Good for one certificate only.
With proofs of purchase only.

Note that if the offer is expired, it is only the monetary value spent that could be recovered in the form of a gift certificate and not the offer itself. The monetary value could than be used on the store to purchase a new offer.

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Search Service - Lost Certificate - Basic

For certificates purchased less than 7 months ago.
For clients that have kept all their emails of transaction and certificate.

Search for a lost certificate in archives by the IT services.
Reemmission or reactivation of a lost certificate if found and never used.
Good for one certificate only.
With proofs of purchase only.

Note that if the offer is expired, it is only the monetary value spent that could be recovered in the form of a gift certificate and not the offer itself. The monetary value could than be used on the store to purchase a new offer.

19.00 $

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Search Service - Lost Certificate - Advanced

For certificates purchased less than 11 months ago.
For clients that have kept all their emails of transaction and certificate.

Search for a lost certificate in archives by the IT services.
Reemmission or reactivation of a lost certificate if found and never used.
Good for one certificate only.
With proofs of purchase only.

Note that if the offer is expired, it is only the monetary value spent that could be recovered in the form of a gift certificate and not the offer itself. The monetary value could than be used on the store to purchase a new offer.

29.00 $

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10.00 $

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